The best Christmas gifts are to those that touch the heart like no other.  Not every family can hang mistletoe, fill their children’s stockings or have a stockpile of presents for the children, or even have a beautiful Christmas feast on the table.  The community is filled with deprived children, and one of the greatest gifts you could give to a family less fortunate this Christmas is a Christmas gift for their child.

For those that would like to put back into the community this Christmas and help the less fortunate, the following article gives advice on how to go about giving a gift to families in need.

1. Contact your local charitable groups, such as nonprofits and ask if they have any special toy or gift drives that they are hosting during the holiday season.  Visit the website of local radio and television stations to see if they have any special fundraisers planned for the children.  Daycares and low income child care centers are another option. You can also contact your local churches, to ask if they have any less fortunate families in the perish that you could offer help to this Christmas.  Your local grocery store bulletin board may also have announcements of families in need of help for Christmas. Compare the different drives and select the organization or group that you would most like to support.

2. Gather details on the different drives.  The organization or group should be able to provide you with details such as price limits spent on gifts, and a minimum toys and gifts.  Ask if the gift is for a specific child or will be put into a pool.  Also speak with those in charge to ask what a particular child has asked for for Christmas.

3. Purchase and wrap the gifts in the most festive paper and decorations.  Remember, this may be the child’s only gift this Christmas and the more festive you can present the present, the better.  You will want to label the gift with the name of the item inside and attach the label securely to the package. Also, be sure that you drop off the gift at the drive in plenty of time.

Depending on your budget, will depend on the number of children you are likely able to help. Remember that when you give a gift to an organization or group, it is considered a charitable donation and you can ask for a receipt to claim a tax deduction.  Also remember, that no matter how that perfect shirt or dress may look, this may be the child’s only toy, and for younger children, they likely will appreciate a gift of a new doll or army men over garments- you can always donate some used or new clothes to charity, as well. 

Also remember, if you don’t have time to shop, you can always send a check to the charity asking for a gift to be purchased for a child. 

Christmas is a time of good deeds and a time for giving. Have a look at our Christmas shopping guide to find gifts and information about proper gift etiquette.