Having surgery to lose weight might seem like a drastic measure when there are other ways to go about it. For many morbidly obese individuals, however, losing weight has proven to be too much of a challenge. What they really need is an immediate answer. Thousands of these people will find the solution at a bariatric clinic.
A bariatric clinic is a hospital which is dedicated only to performing surgery pertaining to weight loss. This includes gastric bypass, inserting lap bands, and stomach stapling. These procedures are reserved for individuals who are obese since they are life changing and, like any surgery, carry an element of danger with them.
There are two ways to get into a person’s stomach to perform one of these procedures. The surgeon can open a person up, or use lasers. At Barix Clinics®, the team uses lasers. One reason for this is that the recovery time is so much less: just a few weeks as opposed to a month or more.
The staff at these clinics, including all surgeons and nurses, is trained in the bariatric field and perform all three of the above measures frequently. This is all they do. Surgeons will assess their clients for physical fitness to ensure they can handle a general anesthetic and the impact of surgery. They speak about the long term implications of having a lap band installed, or cutting out a large amount of the stomach. Once a patient is approved, surgeons then go in and do one of three things.
Gastic bypass is a means of creating a second, smaller stomach and leaving the original stomach to produce digestive liquids only. This makes it impossible to eat a big meal and certain foods cause pain to digest. A lap band shrinks the entrance to the stomach. With the sleeve or stapling procedure, the client loses most of his stomach permanently.
Clients are unable to eat as much food. They are forced to change their eating habits, choosing small portions and avoiding particular foods which can cause problems with the new configuration of their stomachs. While these adjustments are challenging, clients routinely drop their excess weight which provides more than aesthetic and social benefits. High blood pressure, diabetes, joint problems and heart troubles are common in the morbidly obese, so their health improves as they shrink. Not all procedures are covered by insurance, so it is important to check this detail.