Sponsor: LRN.FM – Secret Service objects to camera at Obama Colorado Springs event. Some of the vid in this clip’s likely available for you to use commercially. Basically anything that was shot by me or was public domain to begin with. My stuff is automatically released into the public domain until furhter notice. Usually if I shot it, “RidleyReport.com” or “YouTube.com will appear at the bottom. Anything which has that super or was obviously shot by me is public domain. This vid’s likely to become part of a playlist series. You can watch the series in sequence by clicking here once the link is ready: www.youtube.com Playlist: Ron Paul 2012 speeches, illustrated: www.youtube.com Like what you see here? Donate to the Ridley Report most easily using Bitcoin. Find my latest BTC address at RidleyReport.com I often tend to keep the wallet fairly empty for security reasons. So plz don’t be shy about letting me know you’ve donated. That way I can evacuate or spend the BTC’s…. How you can buy yourself an advert here: RidleyReport.com barack obama new hampshire colorado springs ron paul colorado college 2012 secret service free state project. department of homeland security libertarian presidential race the president, ridleyreport elections campaigns, liberty dave ridley report police staters cops crowds right to record public domain footage. glik decisions glick first amendment @ live free or die freedom of the press independnet media little press nh gonzo journalism co raw …
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