Cars use different types of bulbs for different types of reasons. One of the main uses of car bulbs is illumination while driving at night. It is also used for illumination to display information when the light signal is seen. Car bulbs are of different varieties depending on their purpose. Some car bulbs have bases that are adapted for vibration. Bases can be made of bayonet (which has one or two contacts), wire loop, plastic, glass wedge and metal caps used on bulbs that are tubular in shape. Car bulbs do not have screw bases because they get lose when vibration is experienced. Different regions worldwide use different types of car bulbs. Models and manufacturers of vehicles also use different types of car bulbs.
The Break and head lights.
Halogen, xenon and incandescent car bulbs are used for break and head lights. Incandescent car bulbs are mainly used by America manufacturers. Using normal bulbs, they provide regular light. Halogen lights have a tungsten filament and incandescent car bulbs. They have bright white light that is eye-friendly and last long. Incandescent car bulbs are cheaper than halogen car bulbs. Xenon car bulbs produce a bright white light using a mixture of gases and is energy saving.
The Specialised car Lights
These car bulbs are used for specific functions using special bulbs and are used outside cars together with the normal bulbs. Pencil beams, driving and fog lights are a good example of these car bulbs. Normal bulbs can also be used.
Interior car bulbs. Lights are also used inside cars.
Glove compartments and mirrors also use light. They also have bulbs that are designed for them.
The Led car bulbs
Led car bulbs use a light emitting diode to produce light. These car bulbs produce white light and consume less power as compared to halogen lamps. They are used for interior lighting, indicators and tail and brake lights. These bulbs are also long lasting.
Economic and long life bulbs. These car bulbs are of very high output and saves energy as well.
High performance, high wattage (comes in blue and white), high vision, vision & styling, styling and dashboard car bulbs are also available in the market.
The Economic Commission for Europe has grouped car lamps into three groups. Some of these lamps are also allowed for usage in America and Japan. Group one car lamps do not have restrictions generally. Some of these car lamps have one filament and others two filaments. They also use 6V, 12V or 24V depending on the specific bulb model.
Group two car lamps are meant for use only in the rear registration, reversing, cornering and signaling bulbs. Lamps in this category either have one or two filaments just like those in group one.
Group 3 car lamps are used for replacements only. Their categories are C21W with one filament and S1 with two filaments. Car lamps have also been grouped according to the intensity in which they discharge light. This group of car bulbs is called high-intensity discharge bulbs.