, VP and Global Content Director, Incisive Media, interviews SES Toronto 2011 keynoter, Tracy Smith, VP, Yellow Pages Group, about the evolving use of the Yellow Pages by advertisers. Tracy says Yellow Pages is currently in transition but very much vested in the online business. The majority of Yellow Page’s revenue comes from its online properties; these include yp.ca, Canada 411, Red Flag deals, Le Pac, and applications as well. Tracy also says that the lead pages created for customers convert at a much higher level when compared to the customer’s existing . Yellow Pages also makes its content available through its API, and by partnering with companies like , FourSquare, and Point, the company benefits from the creation of apps that benefit its advertisers and drives leads for its customers. Tracy also talks about Yellow Pages’ community of developers who’ve created what are called hackfests, whereby they develop applications and technologies for Yellow Pages that drive value for its advertisers. Tracy also discusses the growing use of local and , and those applications that are using the Yellow Pages API, helping to drive search traffic. To learn more about speaking at SES Toronto, please visit: www.sestoronto.com