How to Become a Super Affiliate Marketer

An affiliate marketer is someone who earns a commission selling or promoting the products and services of other companies. Super affiliates are those who are extremely successful affiliate marketers.

They can earn six figures a year and they do it all from the comfort of their home. It’s a tremendously freeing lifestyle. Interested? Here’s how to become a super affiliate marketer.

Step #1 Build a website on a niche topic. Ideally, it’ll be a topic you enjoy because you’ll be writing and talking about your topic often. For example, if you’re a parent and you enjoy discussing better parenting you might choose to create a parenting website.

You can choose a tighter niche if there’s a lot of competition in your industry. For example, organic parenting or parenting special needs children.
Step #2 Search online to find quality products and services you want to represent. These products and services will be directly related to your website topic. If your topic is organic parenting, then the products and services you’re an affiliate for will be natural or healthy parenting items and services.

You can find these products and services by searching for affiliate networks and directories. You can also look to see if your favorite companies have an affiliate program. Most companies today do recognize the benefit of having affiliates promoting them online.

Step #3 Add your content. The next step is to make sure you have an abundance of quality and informative content on your website. Your primary value to any prospect or potential customer is to provide information. It’s how they’ll learn to trust your opinion.

It’s what will bring them back to your website and it’s what will motivate them to click on your affiliate links and ads to make a purchase. Much of your content will also pre-sell the products and services you represent.

For example, you might write an article or a report on 15 ways to be a better parent. When relevant you might link to a product or service that you’re discussing.

For example, if you say that to be a better parent you should occasionally treat yourself to a night out and hire a babysitter, you might make the word babysitter a link to a website that helps parents find trustworthy babysitters. If your reader clicks through and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

As you can see, content is perhaps the single most important aspect of being a super affiliate. You can provide content in the form of:

• Articles
• Reviews
• Comparison charts
• Videos
• Reports
• Online courses
• Checklists
• eBooks
• Audio messages
• Newsletters

One final word about becoming a super affiliate – always strive to provide the best for your website visitors. The best content, the best quality products, and the best information. When they trust you, like you and value your information, they’ll click on your links and make purchases.

How to Become an Online Infopreneur

Information marketing has taken the internet by storm. As more and more people begin utilizing digital information, and reading and learning online, more opportunities open up for information marketers.

If you have specialty information or have a passion for a topic, information marketing may be the perfect business model for you.

What Is an Online Infopreneur?

An online infopreneur is someone who makes living selling information. It can be a very profitable business model. An example is someone who is an expert when it comes to bird . They have a passion for or a strong interest in birds.

They might create manuals, videos, and courses on how to train your pet bird. The information could range from beginner to advanced tricks like how to train your parrot to play dead. Sounds crazy, right? I mean, who needs to train their parrot to do that? Believe it or not, there’s a market for it.

An online infopreneur’s first job is to determine what their passions are and if there’s a market for it.

You might begin by making a list of the topics you’re knowledgeable in or passionate about. Then you begin your research. Using keyword research tools and investigating online, you’d look to see if people are searching for that topic.

Continuing with the parrot training topic, perhaps that infopreneur began with a passion for birds. They found during their research that many people were struggling with their exotic birds.

They were biting and screaming and being generally unruly. This infopreneur then saw that there weren’t a lot of other businesses providing information on the topic. In short, there was a good demand for the information but not much supply. This is the perfect opportunity to create an information marketing business.

So your first step is to find your interests and passions. Your second step is to research them for profitable niches. A niche is a specialty topic. It can also be a demographic like teen bird trainers or bird training in the desert south-west. Or it can be a skill level – beginner bird training, for example.

Once you’ve chosen a niche, it’s time to create your website and information products. Your website will be dedicated to helping your audience learn what they need to know or want to know about your topic. You might post free articles or video content. You may offer free reports and digital downloads.

Once you have people interested and accessing your free information, you can take them to the next step which is to offer them a product to buy. Often this is an ebook, an online course, or a video series.

The information products that are successful generally solve a problem for their audience. For example, “How to stop your parrot from biting.” You may uncover common problems during your research or you may need to do additional research to find the answers.

If you have a passion, interest, or specialty knowledge about a topic, consider using that to create an information marketing business. It’s a great way to make an income. Some information marketers have gone on to make millions from their books, courses, and videos. To your success!

How to Build Your First Website

In order to do any kind of business online, you will want to have a website. However, building your first website can feel a bit overwhelming. After all, there are so many choices. Here’s how to build your first website.

1 Determine your website’s purpose. What are you going to do on the website? How are you going to make money? This is important because some website languages, templates, and platforms are more effective for certain business models. For example, if you’re building a theme-based website, you may want to use a website building service like SiteBuildIt.

2 Choose your platform. Once you know what you want to accomplish with your website, it’s time to choose your website platform. There are a number of options here. You can use website design software like DreamWeaver or FrontPage.

There are online courses and books to show you how to use both of these programs. It might take you some time to build your website; however, you’ll be able to create it one hundred percent on your own.

Another option is to use your website host’s predesigned templates. These templates are often customizable and are a pretty quick and easy way to get a website up. You can also learn a website design format like Joomla which is a content management system written in PHP, a design language.
You can also use site building services that offer wizards and templates to help you customize a website for your business.

Finally, you can use a blogging platform like WordPress to build your website. And if all of this just seems like too much, you can design your website with a pencil and paper and then hire someone to create it.

3 Navigation and format. Before you create your website or hire someone to do it for you, you’ll want to draft your website on paper. Decide what pages you want your website to have.

How are people going to find what they need? How will they navigate your website? What categories or buttons will you have? How will you share your information and how will you promote your products or services? Figuring all of this out before you begin creating your website will help ensure it is a success.

Creating your first website is a strategic process. However, much of the work will be done on paper as you plan the purpose and layout of your website.

Once you know exactly what you’re creating, you can find the best tools to create your site and make it a reality.